Valuable resources for vulnerable seniors without adequate caregiver support

During volunteer visits, there may be instances when your client friend or other elderly individual may be confronted with significant challenges related to their aged care services. Such seniors may find themselves overwhelmed with confusion and fear, stemming from the absence of dependable support and guidance.

In cases where you’re unsure of the appropriate steps to take or how to direct your clients, it’s advisable to explore the following services. Reaching out to these resources can play a pivotal role in ensuring that they receive the necessary support and guidance to effectively navigate their circumstances. These resources play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and rights of older individuals in aged care settings.

Care Finders

Care Finders is a free service designed to assist vulnerable individuals who lack a support system and require intensive support in accessing aged care and other local services. They provide valuable information, education, and support to empower people to better comprehend and exercise their rights and responsibilities when utilizing aged care or community care services.

Advocacy Services

Across Australia, various advocacy services are dedicated to supporting older adults in navigating aged care challenges. These services offer invaluable guidance and advocacy on behalf of elderly individuals. Here are some advocacy organisations across the country, along with their contact details:


Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) 

  • Phone: 1800 700 600

New South Wales

Seniors Rights Services (SRS)


ADA Australia


Elder Rights Advocacy (ERA)

Western Australia


South Australia

Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)


Advocacy Tasmania

Australian Capital Territory

ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS)

Northern Territory, Central Australia

Catholic Care NT

Northern Territory, Top End

Aged and Disability Advocacy Service

In addition to these advocacy services, there are organisations and helplines that focus on quality and safety in aged care:

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

This organisation addresses complaints and concerns related to the quality of aged care services. They can investigate issues and ensure compliance with standards.

Elder Abuse Helpline

If elder abuse is suspected or a concern, the Elder Abuse Helpline can provide guidance on addressing and reporting such cases.