Life is
better lived

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme and Feros Care logos

Everyone deserves great company – let us match you with a senior so you can make a real difference in your community.

A small amount of your time as a volunteer can make a huge difference to the life of a senior. A helping hand, a listening ear, and a friendly smile can all make a senior feel more socially connected, and inspire them to rekindle life skills and hobbies they once enjoyed. Your company can provide support in remaining independent and connected to community, not to mention sharing many smiles along the way.

In Great Company is a flexible volunteer program, which takes your skills and goal and matches them to a real friend!

Why volunteer with In Great Company?

  • enjoy a chat and a cuppa, and listen to some amazing living histories;
  • share a hobby or interest that you love;
  • bring your volunteer sparkle to a senior and have some fun too;
  • gain some invaluable work experience or fulfill your Centrelink requirements;
  • help to ensure others are less isolated and have some great company;
  • help to support hard-working carers to have a break;
  • provide a link for seniors to participate in their community again;
  • help to make life easier by assisting with small tasks that mean the world.

Read our volunteer stories

Colourful companions make for a colourful canvas

Colourful companions make for a colourful canvas

In the heartwarming world of In Great Company, the simple yet profound act of reaching out has been transforming lives, two people at a time.  This is the story of Mirella and Renay and the friendship they have formed.

Our Friendship, Culture and Nostalgic Connections

Our Friendship, Culture and Nostalgic Connections

When Patricia and Alexandra were matched through the program, they quickly discovered shared experiences in their journeys to Australia, as well as similarities in their immigrant stories, sense of identity and cultural heritage. This bond allowed them to comfortably share memories and stories about their life back in Greece, celebrating their cultural roots.