In Great Company is a volunteer program designed to connect people in need of support and social connection with caring, friendly, and enthusiastic volunteers.

In Great Company was born out of a need for a service that puts you first and creates a real difference in the lives of people and those volunteering their time to give back.

We believe in the power of social connection and its importance in helping us live our best lives. This is where our volunteers can step in and provide a little company that go a long way in making a big difference to an older person’s life.

Our volunteer program includes a variety of services designed to benefit both our friendly volunteers and our amazing clients. It’s not always easy to ask a friend to lend a hand, but here is where we come in, supporting social connection and compassion in everyone involved with In Great Company.

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS)

In Great Company is funded by the Australian Government under the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (previously the Community Visitors Scheme or CVS). ACVVS began in 1992-93 to support community-based organisations, known as auspices, to recruit and match volunteers who provide friendship and companionship through volunteer visits to care recipients of home care packages or Australian Government funded residential aged care.

ACVVS is a free service available to aged care residential or home care recipients who are socially isolated or lonely, and do not have regular contact with friends or relatives. These individuals may also have mobility or other impairments that prevent them for participating in social or leisure opportunities on their own. ACVVS aims to improve the general wellbeing, social connectedness, quality of life and independence of those participating in the scheme.

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme logo

Want to find out if

In Great Company is right for you?

Read on to explore our inspiring stories!

Colourful companions make for a colourful canvas

Colourful companions make for a colourful canvas

In the heartwarming world of In Great Company, the simple yet profound act of reaching out has been transforming lives, two people at a time.  This is the story of Mirella and Renay and the friendship they have formed.

Our Friendship, Culture and Nostalgic Connections

Our Friendship, Culture and Nostalgic Connections

When Patricia and Alexandra were matched through the program, they quickly discovered shared experiences in their journeys to Australia, as well as similarities in their immigrant stories, sense of identity and cultural heritage. This bond allowed them to comfortably share memories and stories about their life back in Greece, celebrating their cultural roots.